Racism, in any and all of it's forms, is an insidious and pervasive cancer, strickening and weakening the body known collectively as 'humanity', of which we are each and all members.
Since we are all members of the same body, and since the overall health of the entire body impacts the health of all the parts, any effort to injure, or intent of ill-will against another member of our body is irrational and, ultimately, suicidal.
The root of all racism is pride, unwarranted pride based solely on factors over which we had and have no control, such as race, nationality, etc. This pride seeds and fosters attitudes of superiority, both passive and active, which are fueled by ignorance and fears sown into our hearts and minds by either the culture in which we are raised, or the culture with which we choose to identify ourselves. These attitudes result in prejudicial beliefs and feelings that fuel our pride and thus, the evil circle of self-destructive hatred continues.
Attitudes of superiority, or supremacy, in the heart of any human toward another human, regardless of race or any other distinguishing factor, is not only irrational, but blatantly evil, utterly antithetical to the Gospel of Jesus Christ, and an affront in the face of our Creator, by who's Grace we are redeemed in His Mercy.
Simply put, racism and hate, because they are offensive to God, are sins, and at their core, these twin-sins of racism and hate are the sum of human pride and prejudice.
The enemy of our Lord, as well as that of all mankind, knows no color, except where he can use it to divide; thus dividing the common heart of humanity against itself through irrational, prejudicial hatred, which is neither unique, nor limited to any one particular skin color, race or nationality. This is not an 'American' sin, this is not a 'white man' or 'black man' sin, this is a human sin, infecting all of us and which predates, and will outlive the existence of the United States, unless the Lord returns first.
Only through the unifying work of the Holy Spirit does mankind have any hope of peaceful coexistence in this life, for our enemy knows that unity begets strength and, therefore, one of the most effective weapons of that ancient serpent, is to weaken the common heart of mankind by dividing it against itself, often invoking and perverting even the name of Christ and the 'cause' of Christianity to do so.
Our common enemy, Satan, knows full well that, when all of mankind becomes truly united in the Holy Spirit, he will be rendered subservient, weak and helpless before his Creator and King. And because of this, and until that time is realized, he will do all within his finite power to keep mankind divided. Sadly, the corrupt and depraved heart of mankind is all too willing to aid and abet the enemy in his destructive mission, by weakly buying into the lie of pride-fueled, prejudicial attitudes toward those who don’t look, act or think like we do.
The relative silence of the Church and her leaders on matters such as slavery (I abhor the euphemism ‘human trafficking’; slavery is slavery), racism, abortion, etc., should sound a shrill siren of alarm in the hearts and minds of all who call themselves Christians, waking up every pastor, priest, teacher, layman and Christ-follower, driving us all to speak and act boldly against these atrocities, while at the same time proclaiming, and (most importantly) displaying, the precious Love and eternal Hope found only in The Gospel of Jesus Christ.
“Silence in the face of evil is itself evil: God will not hold us guiltless. Not to speak is to speak. Not to act is to act.” – This quote has been attributed to Dietrich Bonhoeffer, speaking of Nazi atrocities in Germany during WWII. While it is uncertain as to whether or not Bonhoeffer actually said or wrote this, the truth and power of this statement cannot be denied and must be passionately embraced.
Open your mouth for the mute, for the rights of all the unfortunate. Open your mouth, judge righteously, and defend the rights of the afflicted and needy. – Proverbs 31:8-9
Edmond, Oklahoma
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