Sunday, March 31, 2013

'A God Kind of Love' by Noah Storkson (age 14)

Some people see God in beaches and sunsets, others in mountains and you have to say that that is amazing. But sometimes we have to step back and really discover how great He and His love for us is and how small we, and our problems, are.  

If you look at a picture of Earth you realize that we are pretty small. Now let’s take a few more steps back (more like quadrillions and quadrillions of steps) and take a picture of our galaxy. If you look at our galaxy and ask, “Where’s our solar system?” The answer would be, “You can’t see it!” Our galaxy is 100,000 light-years in diameter, that’s 590,000,000,000,000 miles, or 3 quadrillion 115 trillion 200 billion feet! Now do you feel small?

How about when I say that we don’t even know how big the universe is? Scientists refer to the studied universe as the known universe, because every time we make a bigger telescope we find out that the universe is bigger than we thought it was. We can see God’s hand all over it, it is beautiful! God can hold the entire universe in His hand, Isaiah 40:12 says:  “Who has measured the waters in the hollow of His hand, or with the breadth of His hand marked off the heavens?” I bet that if you looked at the universe either the Milky Way galaxy wouldn’t be visible, or it would be a speck.

The Milky Way galaxy is a spiral shape; we are between two arms towards the outer part of the galaxy, so we are in the perfect position to study the universe. Science is the study of God’s creation so we can worship him better, and God gave us this huge universe (yet small compared to him) so we can see and learn about his beautiful and awesome power. Luke 10:17 says: the seventy-two returned with joy and said, “Lord, even the demons submit to us in your name”. So even the demons are smart enough to fear God.

If God can hold the universe in His hand, then what are we compared to Him? Yet God still loves us and lowered His Son down to our level and allowed Him to be killed by us and for our sins, and whenever a single one of us develops a relationship with Him He throws a big party in heaven just because that one, tiny person is saved, even though He doesn’t need to. We have no effect on Him, He could’ve just given up on us stubborn humans before the flood, but He loves us so much that He made a way for us sinful, tiny, particles to have eternal life with Him, by having His Son pay the price of our sin, so we don’t have to.

Most of us know that Jesus died on the cross for us, but He didn’t simply die for our sins, He was tortured for our sins. He was beaten, mocked, and flogged severely with whips that had four to ten lashes with balls on the end, and attached to those balls were spikes; it is also possible that those spikes had barbs on them. Those lashes cut Him severely. The spikes dug into His tissue and muscles, some of His internal organs were exposed by the time they were done with Him. He received nothing to ease the pain, and every time his body tried to pass out they woke him up. This went on for hours before they actually hung Him on the cross. When they did hang Him on the cross, they made Him carry that extremely heavy cross up a hill, where they nailed Him to the cross (and those nails were not little finishing nails, they were short steaks). On the top of the cross they hung a sign which read in three different languages “Jesus of Nazareth, king of the Jews.   To hold the cross upright, they pulled the top up by rope, and the bottom would drop into a hole, the force of it would have jerked Him and so the nails tore even more of the flesh in His wrists and feet. God turned his back on his own son. Then, they stabbed Him with a spear. The sinners on either side of him endured less torture.

When Jesus died, the temple curtain was torn in two, and there was an earthquake. Many bodies of holy people were raised to life, and many people saw them afterwards. Some of the people that saw this shouted: “Surely He was the Son of God!” Three days later Jesus Himself rose from the dead.

God did all of this for us, even though we are so tiny and we have no effect on Him, He simply loves us. That is a God kind of Love.

Wednesday, March 13, 2013

A Real Page-Turner

If you have read any number of books at all, then you too have probably experienced a ‘page-turner’.  You know, one of those books that you just can’t put down, because you can’t wait to see what happens next.

I have a keen interest in history, U.S. History in particular, and I like my books and movies filled with action, mystery and suspense; you know…guy stuff, where things blow up, evil is defeated, and the hero wins.  So, naturally I enjoy the genre of historical fiction, especially with a military context.

I’ve noticed a funny thing though.  I’ve noticed that when we get absorbed into the storyline of a good movie or book, we feel excitement and eager anticipation for the next scene or the next page; but in our own lives, we are so easily gripped by fear and anxiety over what’s going to happen tomorrow, or the next day, week, month, and so on.  Why do we live with such inconsistency?  Is this really necessary? It’s certainly not beneficial, emotionally or physically.  But, there is another author; in fact, He’s my most favorite author of all: He is “The Author of Life”, my life, your life, all life.

For many years, I had my dream job.  It was dynamic, fast-paced, exciting, rewarding, high-paying, and even sort of romantic.  I loved that job and I loved my title.  Professionally, materially, I was completely satisfied.  Then, in one moment, an unforeseen and inexplicable event brought my dream job to a permanent end.  I was crushed.  Now, I’m of Norwegian stock, and we’re not easily given to emotional display, but at the instant I realized that my career was over, I cried (wimpy little Norwegian tears of course, but that’s not the point).  Then the reality of losing my job set in, and anxiety over the future began to build. What would I do? What could I do?

Looking back, I can see now that The Author had already written the next chapter in my life.  Had I then been able to peek at the pages ahead, I would have seen how God used that change to grow, strengthen and improve me, my wife, our marriage, our faith and our family.  I would have seen how He worked out all the minute details to sell our house quickly (when houses weren’t selling) and to quickly move us 1300 miles away to a new job, a job I grew to love almost as much as the first, and to a new place where our whole family loves to live.  Had I only known what wonderful things He had already written for me...  But, like the unfolding of a classic novel, The Author of Life masterfully reveals to us only one page at a time and lovingly asks us to trust Him for the rest.

With any other book, with any other author, we’d say this is genius!  We’d tell our friends about the book and how it keeps our rapt attention!  We’d boast about the author and try to get all our friends and co-workers to read Him!  We’d take that book with us everywhere we go and look for every opportunity to turn the next page!

That’s not how we treat the book of our life though. We sit on the same old page, reading and re-reading it until its dog-eared and worn; finding prideful comfort in our ability to memorize every word, but pretending like we made it say something different each time we read it.  Once in a while we do start thinking about what’s on the next page and then we spend, even waist our time and effort working in vain to write the story ourselves, when in truth, we can’t even see the next sheet of paper or see that it has already been written for us.

But eventually, pages do turn and when they do we grumble and complain that the story isn’t the one we thought we’d written.  We’re so blinded by the biased pride we have in “controlling” our own lives that we fail to see that The Author has filled the page with His Love; that The Author really has worked all things out for our good (Romans 8:28), and we whine to God like spoiled children.  Oh how much easier and more peaceful our lives would be if we would just have real, living, consistent faith in The Author of Life and trust Him for what we can’t see or understand! (Hebrews 11:1)

Like I said, pages do turn, and The Author is turning another page in the life of me and my family.  For the last six and a half years, I have been blessed by a “second career” filled with satisfaction and growth.  Not only have I enjoyed what I do, but I have had the remarkable privilege of working alongside some of the finest professionals I’ve ever known.  I have had many accomplished and gifted leaders pour into my career and have received the benefit of many wonderful opportunities for learning, growth and development, both professionally and personally.  All indications have been that these opportunities were preparing me for the next phase of my new career, but The Author has apparently written a plot-twist into the next chapter.

Two weeks ago, I received word that this job I’ve loved so much is being terminated due to our government’s failure to create a budget.  When I received this news, my default reaction guessed it...anxiety, fear, and a bit of anger.  I wallowed in this attitude for a day or two, and then something miraculous happened; I remembered the last time The Lord turned the page and how beautifully the story unfolded.  Reflecting on this, my anxiety and fear were almost instantly replaced with excitement to see what’s in the next chapter!

In Matthew 6:25-34 Jesus tells us not to worry about life, food, clothing or shelter.  He promises that God will provide these things and that worrying will accomplish nothing; and you know what? He’s absolutely right! “Of course He’s right.” You say...”He’s Jesus!”  But, I’m not saying He’s right simply because He’s Jesus (that goes without saying), I can personally proclaim "He’s right!" because I’ve lived it.  He has provided for us so generously, so graciously and so faithfully, so many, many times that I can’t help but trust Him.  Sure, it’s been tight at times, but our needs have always, ALWAYS been met, and more often than not, in abundance.

I’d be lying to say that losing my job doesn’t make me sad, but the Voice of Truth inside of me is screaming “BRING IT ON!”  Let’s turn the page quickly, because life with God is a real page-turner;  every chapter is better than the last and I can’t wait to see what happens next!
