Wednesday, January 16, 2013


Growing up in Southern California in the days of the Hippies and Jesus Freaks, we saw a lot of signs and stickers with sayings like; ‘Peace’, ‘Make Love Not War’, ‘The End Is Near’, ‘Flower Power’ and ‘Repent’.  Then one day, I saw one bumper sticker that had me laughing out loud in my car (decades before anyone knew what LOL meant!).  That one bumper sticker has stayed in my mind all these years and to this day, I laugh when I think of it.  It simply said “Jesus is Coming…Look Busy!”

Now, for all my Christian friends:  Yes, I know that may be seen as a ‘vain’ use of the Lord’s name and I’m sure laughing at this is somehow a violation of the 3rd Commandment, but God has forgiven me so get over it.  Besides, I’m reasonably certain He has a sense of humor; just look at the platypus…is that the work of a serious artist?

What’s REALLY funny though, is the profundity of truth contained within that simple text which the author no doubt intended as a disrespectful joke.  I say it’s funny (in the ironic sense) because, using just five words, that sage jokester has described our day-to-day lives with remarkable clarity.

You see, most of us have a built-in sense of urgency about life.  We may recognize this sense as the responsibility to care and provide for ourselves and for our families.  Or, we may sense a need to leave our mark on society; in some way making a difference for a better world.  Those of us with an eternal perspective often think about the return of Christ and feel the urgency to win others for His Kingdom.  Sometimes, we Christians satiate that sense of urgency by working within the Church or other charitable organizations.  Our communities and churches are full of  'busy' people.

Don’t get me wrong; all of these activities are honorable and vitally important; but what motivates us (whether we’re motivated by personal gain, or by recognition, or by a genuine concern for others, or for a closer relationship with Jesus) is what requires frequent and transparent self-examination, asking ourselves “Why am I doing this?” and listening for an honest answer.

Jesus IS coming.  Are we really ready; or just looking busy?  When He does come, does Jesus want to find you just keeping busy, or does He want to find you busied by a heart longing for His return?  Our lives may look righteous because of all of our work, but is our heart fully devoted to, submitted to and purified by the righteousness and Lordship of Christ in those ways that only He can see?  Knowing Jesus and striving to know him better, loving Jesus and wanting to love him more, yearning to please Jesus and be with Him more than anything else you can think of; THAT is what being ready is all about.

Jesus IS coming, but when?  We could debate eschatology for years and never agree, but as interesting and important as that discussion can be, it really shouldn’t matter to how we live.  It shouldn’t  matter because being ready, really ready, expels ANY need to know when.  Jesus may come for us all at any time or, He may just come for you or me when we least expect it.

This past week, we received news that a 19 year old friend of the family has been killed in an auto accident.  This horrible event is every loving parent’s worst nightmare.   It brings into sharp focus, the brevity and fragility of our existence on this planet.  This fine young man’s death couldn’t have been more unexpected and was in no way his fault (he was a passenger).  His is a strong and loving family.  They are close-knit, hardworking and successful.  The kids are well behaved and respectful, good students and gifted athletes.  They are respected and liked in their schools, workplaces and community.  Theirs is the kind of family we all admire and would never expect to experience a tragedy like this.  Our hearts are wrenched with pain for them but, the truth is, it could happen to any one of us at any moment.

The ONLY way to live with any hope of a peaceful heart and spirit; the ONLY way we can ever hope to live without anxiety, fear or doubt, is to BE ready; to possess the knowledge and confidence that, should the Lord come today, or should tragedy come our way, we know with certainty that we ARE going with Him, welcomed into His loving arms.

Jesus IS coming!  Are YOU ready, or just looking busy?

“Therefore keep watch, because you do not know on what day your Lord will come...So you also must be ready, because the Son of Man will come at an hour when you do not expect him.” Matthew 24:42,44 (NIV84)


Friday, January 11, 2013
